Crying Earth Rise Up!


Diné No Nukes, Owe Aku, & Prairie Dust Films Present:
A 2-part event on Saturday Afternoon
April 24, 2015 from 3-5pm

A Special Premiere Screening of Crying Earth Rise Up!
Campaign Launch for our Radiation Monitoring Project

Hosted by: Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP)

with Special Appearance by Director Suree Towfighnia

About the film: CRYING EARTH RISE UP

Documentary | USA | 2015 | 57minutes | English

Crying Earth Rise Up tells the story of two women who resolve to uncover the human cost of uranium mining and its impact on sacred water. Debra White plume is a Lakota grandmother and tireless leader in the fight to protect her people’s water and land from corporate polluters. Debra is the lead plaintiff in a case challenging uranium mining on Lakota treaty territory. Elisha yellow thunder intimately understands the dangers of contaminated water. A young mother and a geology student, she unknowingly drank water with high levels of radiation while pregnant with her first daughter, whose severe medical anomalies are life-threatening. Crying Earth Rise Up documents the growing movement of native and non-native people of the Great Plains in their battle to stop the expansion of uranium mining.

Produced by
Prarie Dust Films
Owe Aku International Justice Project


What are the risks of living near abandoned uranium mines? Are these aging nuclear reactors having leaking radiation? Is it ok to let our children play outdoors all day? We have no way of knowing the presence of invisible radiation without proper equipment.

On April 26, 2015, we launch a campaign to raise the funds necessary to purchase multiple radiation detectors to distribute to front-line communities living in contaminated areas in the US. These funds will also be used to secure the professional training needed to learn how to detect and interpret radiation.

This is a project of Diné No Nukes, Nuclear Energy Information Service, and Sloths Against Nuclear State. The three organizations will host screenings of “Crying Earth Rise Up” in 3 cities on April 25th & April 26th, in Brooklyn, Chicago, Albuquerque.

Diné NO NUKES is a Diné-led initiative to create a Navajo Nation that is free from the dangers of radioactive contamination and nuclear proliferation, including effects from past and proposed uranium mining and processing.

Diné No Nukes
Nuclear Energy Information Service
Sloths Against Nuclear State

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